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Inspira's Community involvement

Inspira, as a company, and as individuals, takes seriously the responsibility to the community it operates in and beyond. In particular those charities that express us "giving back" to places/associations that have helped or shaped us.

This is a list of the charities and funds that we have, and are working with (dates given) in our local and international community:

Pink Jade Fund (2007-2015) for orphans and refugees of Charmaine's home country: Burma, where there are currently widespread issues due to human rights abuses, AIDS, almost no medical and hospital facilities in outerlying areas, water and sanitation problems, corruption and exploitation to name just a few issues. These issues have been witnessed by family's first-hand experience in visits there, and aid delivered by hand, at great personal threat to safety over many years.

Blue Light Disco (against Drugs) 2007 for young children of Australia to receive drug awareness in school projects.

Cancer Council of WA (2008-2010) through Tony O’Gorman’s,  Biggest morning tea, for support of local Joondalup Business, and cancer research.

Department of Education (Primary school prize donations) (2008-2010) for local children.

Westpac Bank (2008, 2009) for providing us local business support.

Wanneroo Business Association (2009, 2010) prize sponsorship, for business support.

Joondalup Business Association (2008, 2009, 2010) prize sponsorship for local business community

Ord Valley Muster (2010-2014) prize sponsorship for the community at Kununurra, that supports the infrastructure of the Argyle mine.

Mary Potter foundation, Global Good Foundation (2009, 2010) in conjunction with Dean Knoote Diamonds (support to valued customer charities for domestic violence)

North West Metro International Women’s Day Breakfast: Swags (2010), Breast Cancer Foundation (2008), for support of Women globally.

Jeweltree Foundation (2011-present) for their work in supporting artisinal mines

WA Youth Symphony Orchestra (2012, 2013) prize sponsorship supporting the participation of Western Australian children in the ARTS.

Round the World Yacht race (2012) Lisa Blair Australian entry, for providing inspiration to young women everywhere to reach for their dreams.

Forever Angels baby home (2014) orphanage Tanzania

Variety Club (WA) (2013) for work in the community for the Australian disadvantaged children

Daintree Rainforest (2014) for protection of the Australian environment

Rainbow World Fund (2014) inconjunction with Andrea Antonucci for work in Sweden with international gay rights activism and community, for support of equality in the world

Oxfam Australia (2014, 2015) for their work in creating clean water supplyding water supply to world's children

WWF (2013, 2014, 2015) for their work in the maintaining the environment fotheir care of the environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

Live below the line (2013,2014) for awareness of international food shortage

Walk for wilderness (2011)

End Women's Cancer (2014, 2015)

Steptember for Cerebral Palsy (2014) inconjunction with Michael Neuman, Mthis

Lifeline WA- everyday hero (2015) for work with WA charities

Providing practical work place skills for youth

This year also saw Inspira helping to develop work place skills in the  community as we worked with a  local school to provide work experience as part of their business programme for Year 10 students. It was so encouraging for us to see the skills coming through our secondary schools, and how they would be applied in the workplace. You can read more about that in our Feb 5 2015 news article.

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